Shutterstock – propojení s BigStockem (Bridge to Bigstock)

BigStockShutterstock, je má nejoblíbenější fotobanka (protože mi vydělává nejvíce). Jsou to už asi dva roky, co Shutterstock koupil jinou fotobanku – BigStock. Od té doby se nic moc nezměnilo, ale teď přichází první velice pozitivní změna – program Bridge to Bigstock.

O co jde?

Zatím se jedná o akci jen pro pár vyvolených – nejlepších ze Shutterstocku (před pár minutami jsem obdržel pozvánku a tak se zařadil mezi ně). V podstatě jde o to, že Shutterstock přesune (případně zesynchronizuje) vaše portfolio ze Shutterstocku na BigStock – dostanete tak všechny své fotky a ilustrace na další fotobanku bez vynaložení jakékoliv práce! Pokud v budoucnu přidáte další fotky na Shutterstock, automaticky se objeví i na BigStocku.

Odměny za prodeje budou samozřejmě podle Bigstocku, peníze se budou hromadit tamtéž – pořád půjde o dvě nezávislá portfolia a každé můžete upravovat zvlášť.

BigStock patří mezi 10 nejlepších microstock fotobank (v mém osobním žebříčku je někde na čtvrtém/pátém místě). Pokud máte dostatek kvalitních fotek/ilustrací, určitě jej také vyzkoušejte.

Více informací z pozvánky (v angličtině)

How it works:

  • All approved images on Shutterstock, including your existing portfolio and new uploads, will be automatically submitted to Shutterstock’s sis­ter site, Bigstock.
  • You only enter metadata once for both services.
  • We won’t copy duplicate images.
  • Earn anywhere from 50 cents to $3 per Bigstock download, even more for Special Licensing downloads.
  • You decide if you want to make further changes, and can manage images independently on either site. Participation is optional and you can opt-out at any time.
  • If you have any questions, please contact us at submit (at) shut­

Bridge to Bigstock Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Bridge to Bigstock?
Shut­terstock and Bigstock are two stock image sites both owned by Shutterstock and run as separate brands. The Bridge to Bigstock is a new program that allows Shutterstock contributors with the highest lifetime sales volume to automatically copy all of their approved Shutterstock images—existing and to be approved in the future—to Bigstock as well.

Why are Shutterstock and Bigstock doing this?
We’re doing this to make the Bigstock collection larger and more diverse to meet the needs of our growing customer base. We don’t expect this action to have any impact on Shutterstock sales.

Is this the first step in blending the Shutterstock and Bigstock collections?
No. Our strategy has always been to keep the brands distinct, and nothing has changed in that respect. We have no plans to combine the two libraries.

Who can participate?
Par­ticipation in the Bridge to Bigstock is by invitation only and on an opt-in basis. We are inviting Shutterstock customers with the highest lifetime sales volume who have accounts in good standing.

Why aren’t you offering this to everyone?
It requires staff time for us to sync a Shutterstock portfolio with a Bigstock portfolio, so we can only offer it to select contributors with high performing portfolios. In addition, we want Bigstock and Shutterstock to maintain their distinctive, separate collections since they serve different sets of customers.

I’ve been invited! Should I say yes?
You should. The Bridge to Bigstock offers you a chance to get your images in front of more customers to earn more revenue. All you need to do is opt in.

What happens after I’ve been invited and agree to participate?
We will ask you to identify your existing Bigstock account (if you have one) or to create a new account with an easy online form. That’s it. We’ll do the rest, importing your images and all their associated data from Shutterstock into Bigstock. Any image you have on the Shutterstock library, and all of your images approved by Shutterstock in the future, will appear on the Bigstock site.

I’ve been selected, but I’m already a Bigstock contributor. What happens now?
If you already submit to both Shutterstock and Bigstock, you can still accept an invitation to participate in Bridge to Bigstock. If you do, all images you have on Shutterstock but not on Bigstock will be copied to the Bigstock site, along with their titles, keywords and model and property releases. Any images you have on Bigstock but not Shutterstock will stay on Bigstock only. We will use image-matching technology to make sure there aren’t duplicate images in your collections. Going forward you’ll only need to upload to Shutterstock in order to license your images on both sites.

What if I’ve been invited and I have more than one account at either Shutterstock or Bigstock?
Please choose only one account on each site to be your primary account for the Bridge to Bigstock, or contact the Bigstock support team at support (at) big­

Can I change my mind after I’ve enrolled?
Yes, you can turn off your automatic connection to Bigstock any time. You can also edit or delete images like any other Bigstock contributor.

If I participate, how long will it take before my images appear on Bigstock?
When the program begins, it could take a few days or even a few weeks for our system to generate thumbnails and previews for your images on Bigstock. The process will speed up significantly after we process your first batch of images.

How much will I earn on Bigstock?
You’ll earn the same rates as other Bigstock contributors.

If I participate, will I need to manage my portfolios separately on both sites?
Yes. If you have an image on both Bigstock and Shutterstock and you want to make a change, such as modifying your keywords or deleting an image, you’ll have to make the change on both sites. You will also manage any changes to your account information and tax forms separately on each site.

Are all images eligible for the Bridge to Bigstock?
In the rare case where a Shutterstock image is designated as R-rated, we will not copy it to Bigstock.

If I participate in the Bridge to Bigstock, will I also be opted in to Bigstock Reseller Sales and Bigstock Special Licensing?
No. However, you may opt in to these programs later. With the Bigstock Reseller Program, Bigstock will offer your images to a limited number of resellers, and you will earn a commission on every sale that’s at least as high as your standard Bigstock commission. If you make your images available with Special Licensing, you can earn higher commissions on sales with broader usage terms, such as merchandising rights. You change your settings any time by visiting your Uploads page on Bigstock.

What marketing efforts are you doing to promote Bigstock?
Bigstock is running multiple online ad campaigns. We are also running print advertising in top industry magazines. We’re speaking directly with prospective customers by exhibiting at trade shows such as HOW, Design City/ Print World, South By Southwest, Photoshop World, and Visual Connections. This is to make sure customers know they can count on Bigstock for quality images at reasonable prices, and to bring our artists the sales that encourage them to create and contribute more images.

If I participate, will my Bigstock earnings be combined into a single payout with my Shutterstock earnings?
No. We maintain separate payout systems for each site, and your payouts will accumulate and be sent to you independently.

I didn’t get invited but I do pretty well on Shutterstock. Might I get invited in the future?
You might. We’re sending the first invitations to our highest earning Shutterstock contributors, and may expand the program after we finish processing the first round of invitees.

Petr Václavek

Zobrazit příspěvky od Petr Václavek
Grafik na volné noze, kterého živí kreslení pro zahraniční microstock fotobanky, příležitostný fotograf, tvůrce dubánků, velký lenoch, čajopijec, a vášnivý čtenář.

4 Komentáře

  1. Johny Drake
    22. 1. 2011

    Zvláštní, mě žádná pozvánka nepřišla :-). Inu tak alespoň gratuluji.

  2. Ajvngou
    22. 1. 2011

    Prodávám už málo, ale na BiGStocku jsem od začátku, co jsem nahodil SS, takže i tak nic pro mě.

  3. Karel
    25. 6. 2013

    Dobrý den.
    Na SS už vydělávám tolik, že má podle mě smysl začít nahrávat na menší fotobanky, tak chci zkusit BigStock.
    Funguje ještě pořád bridge to BigStock?
    A je cca 900 prodejů/měsíc na SS dostatečné množství na to, aby mi s nahráváním pomohli, nebo to budu muset všechno nahrávat po jednom?

  4. Petr Václavek
    25. 6. 2013

    Bridge to Bigstock stále funguje, ale pozvánky rozesílá Shutterstock, každopádně můžete zkusit jim napsat.


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